Liverpool Canal Link, May 2008 - 3. Pier Head part 2

Photos showing progress on the construction of the Liverpool Canal Link, May 2008. [Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5.]

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These photos cover the route of the new canal link in sections, from south to north, from Canning Dock to Trafalgar Dock.

Liverpool canal link
Inside the new tunnel in front of the Cunard Building at the Pier Head. The tunnel was constructed as a steel-reinforced concrete box culvert.
Liverpool canal link
At the other end of the tunnel, the canal link opens up again in front of the Liver Building.
Liverpool canal link
Looking back through the tunnel, with the Cunard Building and Port of Liverpool Building on the left.
Liverpool canal link
The open section of the canal link in front of the Liver Building will also have tiered stone seating.
Liverpool canal link
At St Nicholas Place, the canal link enters a third tunnel and turns a little to the right, heading for Princes Dock.
Liverpool canal link
The tunnel heads away towards the blue coach, before curving to the left to emerge into Princes Dock in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.